Madi Davis
Anchor discusses a new fundraiser to benefit River's Way.
Anchor, an application-only club for freshamn through senior girls, is a driving force in our community. Their goodwill efforts–particularly their fundraisers–have touched the hearts of many.
“Generally each year we have two fundraisers,” said advisor Jenna Dunkerly. “One we always do for Susan G. Komen” and “one for a nationally known organization and then one for a local charity here in Bristol.”
Instead of focusing on the same charities every time, Anchor diversifies their efforts by focusing on different types of charities. To support Susan G. Komen, a famous organization dedicated to breast cancer, Anchor makes and sells t-shirts during October for the Pink-Out football game.
This year’s second charity is supporting River’s Way, a non-profit organization for people with disabilities, allowing them to experience and enjoy their Bristol community through group events. Anchor is selling cookies from Ham’n Goody’s to promote the cause.
“90% of the funds will go to the resource of their choice…This year we picked River’s Way,” said Dunkerly.
To celebrate the hard work of raising funds for two charities, Anchor plans to celebrate with their second Pink Shoe Gala, where members come together for a celebration of their accomplishments and host a competition of who wore the best pink shoes at the party.
“We all get to look forward to dress up and have something fun,” said senior president Ryleigh Tolbert.
Not only does Anchor Club help others, but it also creates bonds with its members.
“I think my favorite part is just having a community of girls all together that we just support each other and be good friends to each other,” said senior member Raegan Cuddy.
Another major part of Anchor Club is the leadership involved, something that Tolbert has experienced first-hand.
“Just being able to lead a group of girls […] you get to guide them through high school and let them experience these fun events we get to have and host and help them form part of their experience of growing up in highschool,” said Tolbert.