FCA gives athletes opportunities to connect and share faith
By Marlee Fleming
FCA, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, provides students with an opportunity to learn and share their beliefs with students around them. Every Friday, students meet in Mr. Whitson’s room at 2:35 to listen to their weekly speaker.
“I want to be able to spread the love of God at school, and I like getting to choose the amazing speakers,” said Erin Littleton, FCA leader.
Littleton enjoys the student-led aspect of FCA, and she enjoys having a large part in the decision making of the club. Her fellow club member Lily Hughes enjoys the chance to be around people with the same beliefs she has.
“It’s an opportunity for students of the same faith to come together to learn about one another,” said Hughes.
FCA sponsor, Brad Morelock, appreciates the goodness of the club. “I told FCA that I look forward to every week,” Morelock said, “it’s a time we can come together and share our stories.”