MOON PHASE: The full moon rises in Leo on Feb. 12, boosting confidence for all that it shines upon.
MERCURY ENTERS PISCES: Mercury continues its regular route, now entering the emotional and creative sign of Pisces.
Aries (March 21-April 19)
Due to the full moon sharing an element with Aries, they will experience a heavy self confidence boost after feeling insecure for months. This newfound confidence is boosted further by Mercury entering Pisces on Valentines day.
Taurus (April 20-May 20)
The full moon creates a sense of contentment in Taurus, leaving them to reflect on all they’ve achieved thus far. Mercury entering Pisces later in the week leaves Taurus craving meaningful connections and deep conversations.
Gemini (May 21-June 21)
Writing, painting, and other means of self expression should be where the most of Gemini’s energy is spent this week. With the new moon, Gemini is eager to share their ideas and express themselves through their creative mediums. Mercury entering Pisces also makes this time important for Gemini to express these ideas as new opportunities may arise.
Cancer (June 22-July 22)
Cancer may have been dealing with self-worth problems recently, but the full moon will help wash these doubts away, Mercury entering Pisces also encourages Cancer to engage with new media and view other perspectives they may not have thought about before.
Leo (July 23-August 22)
The full moon leaves Leo glowing this week, making them prouder of their past accomplishments and boosting their confidence regarding their current ambitions. Mercury entering Pisces also encourages Leo to be comfortable with what they might not know and what they can’t control.
Virgo (August 23-September 22)
While other signs are focusing on reflecting on their accomplishments, Virgo may still be working on theirs. The full moon in Leo will help Virgo reach the end of what they may be working towards, offering closure to any minor problems they may have had. Mercury entering Pisces also encourages Virgo to interact with those who are wildly different from them and engage with other perspectives.
Libra (September 23-October 23)
Fitting with the holiday on Friday, this week Libra’s focus may be on their relationships, platonic or otherwise. The full moon leads Libra to question who is worth their time and who may not be the best influence.Mercury entering Pisces makes Libra focus on their daily habits and wether they should be tweaked for a healthier lifestyle.
Scorpio (October 24-November 21)
Scorpio will be a center of attention this week with the full moon in Leo giving the confidence to take on leadership and public roles. This is boosted by Mercury entering Pisces on the 14th as it will lead Scorpio to expressing themselves creatively more freely.
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)
Sagittarius may have been struggling with courage vs. comfort recently, not wanting to take chances as to not risk their current joys. The full moon in Leo encourages Sagittarius to take the risk. Mercury entering Pisces moves Sagittarius to focus more on their home, anything from redecorating their space to having a much-needed talk with who they live with.
Capricorn (December 22-January 19)
Just like last week, Capricorn is led to work on strengthening their bonds and opening up to others by the full moon. Mercury entering Pisces helps this process along by giving Capricorn the words and eloquence to express themselves .
Aquarius (January 20-February 18)
Similar to Libra, Aquarius will also be evaluating who is worth their time this week. Mercury entering Pisces leads Aquarius to understand themselves better, which assist with their questioning of their social circles by helping them understand what they want from their friendships and other relationships.
Pisces (February 19-March 20)
The full moon encourages Pisces to slow down and do some small self-reflections. However, with Mercury entering their sign, Pisces is put right back to work. Mercury in Pisces marks the best time for Pisces to share ideas and engage in any creative hobby.