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Maroon and White

Maroon and White

Lily Chen

Lily Chen, Staff Writer

Sophomore Lily Chen strives to be a voice that represents individuals through media, whether it be Instagram posts for clubs or stories and articles through the school paper. She enjoys the thrill of being within the reach of different cultures through food, travel, and stories. Lily also enjoys cozying up to a good rom-com and an incredible Frank Ocean album.

All content by Lily Chen
Morelock educates his AP Human Geography class on the distribution of humans and the diffusion of culture.

[Photo] Brad Morelock: Teacher—and Dad—of the year

Haley Kiser, Staff Writer | December 19, 2024

Morelock educates his AP Human Geography class on the distribution of humans and the diffusion of culture.

Junior Victoria Harman and her boyfriend, Josh Fine, celebrate the holiday season with beloved traditions.  One of these traditions, Hanukkah, the “Festival of Lights,” falls on a different date each year; this year, it starts on Dec. 25th and lasts until Jan. 2nd, 2025.

Traditions that warm the winter season: from menorahs to yule logs

Lottie Boyles, Lily Chen, and Nancy Smith | December 18, 2024

In the comfort of their home, Victoria Harman’s family brings to life their candles during the darkness of winter. In the flickering lights of the candles, her family recites the threads of their...

The substance appears as layered and scaly under a microscope.

[Photo] Mysterious and hearty substance on stairs leading from lower teacher parking lot finally identified

Anna Grace Hodges, Staff Writer | November 25, 2024

The substance appears as layered and scaly under a microscope.

Simon Hutchinson warms up before practice by swimming laps in the pool.

Junior Simon Hutchinson steps into role of a two-time state qualifier for swim and dive teams

Lily Chen, Staff Writer | November 19, 2024

He slaps his thighs and gets on the block. ‘Beep!’ The silence is pierced. The rush of air envelopes his body as he jumps and makes contact with the water. Rotating his limbs against the ripples,...

Sophomore Alisa Moha sits on a bench in front of Tennessee High in Bristol, Tennessee, and reflects on her homeland of the Ukraine.  Her poem, "In the Soul of Wheat and Freedom," reflects her pride as a Ukrainian and her desire to bring hope to her fellow Ukrainians around the world.

[Photo] “In the Soul of Wheat and Freedom”

Alisa Moha, Guest Contributor | November 7, 2024

Sophomore Alisa Moha sits on a bench in front of Tennessee High in Bristol, Tennessee, and reflects on her homeland of the Ukraine. Her poem, "In the Soul of Wheat and Freedom," reflects her pride as...

Simon Hutchinson (right) and Cayden Williams (left) during swim practice.

Aquavikes fill the bucket with two whooping state qualifications

Lily Chen, Staff Writer | November 6, 2024

On October 22nd, 2024, the swim team dove into the season as they held their first meet at home against Science Hill. The Aquavikes have been casting like pros, securing two state qualifications by junior...

Freshman Carlie Harmon (left) and her older sister, senior Aubrie Harmon (right), both won Homecoming Princess for their grades.

Vikings scoop ‘The Coop’ and crown royalty in annual homecoming festivities

Lily Chen and Haley Kiser | October 29, 2024

On October 18th, 2024, Student Council held their annual homecoming court ceremony in the Stone Castle prior to the football game. The senior king and queen were Colin Brown and Ryleigh Tolbert, and the...

Alisa Moha (very left) pictured with her grandparents as well as her brother.

Nature and home-cooked meals enable Ukrainian Alisa Moha to find comfort in her new life

Lily Chen, Staff Writer | October 18, 2024

It would take 5,350 miles to travel back to Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi, Ukraine, from Bristol, Tennessee, but it would take a time machine to travel back before the destruction, before the war. Sophomore Alisa...

Cheer flies over stereotypes

Cheer flies over stereotypes

Lily Chen, Staff Writer | September 17, 2024

Friday night lights strain the eyes, and the smell of sweat and popcorn fills the air. “V-V-V-I-K-I-I-I-N-G-S,” the crowd roars. Maroon-and-white-clad girls stunt and chant, heightening the student...

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Paving Prestige: A Look Inside National Honor Society

Lily Chen, Staff Writer | August 28, 2024

National Honor Society is a year-round national program offering leadership opportunities and community outreach projects for upperclassmen. “Those selected have to accentuate leadership qualities,”...

SkillsUSA compels CTE students to compete in skills beyond the classroom

SkillsUSA compels CTE students to compete in skills beyond the classroom

Lily Chen, Staff Writer | August 28, 2024

SkillsUSA is a CTE-based competition program in Chattanooga that competes during the winter for students in fields like criminal justice, cosmetology, culinary, and masonry & carpentry. Competing enables...

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